Is Hgh effective injections for sale?


Is Hgh effective injections for sale?

Is human growth hormone effective as a fat burner and weight loss supplement? How to take HGH correctly — before or after training?

Hgh — best fat burner?

HGH is considered one of the most popular sports supplements in the category. «fat burners». Typical statements that can be found in advertising and reviews about its intake are weight loss and getting rid of excess subcutaneous fat by improving metabolism and optimizing various fat burning processes.

However, the sad truth is that despite the fact that HGH is widely advertised as a fat burner, numerous scientific studies tend to classify it as a means necessary for older people to maintain brain activity, and not at all as effective sports supplements for weight loss.

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What is Hgh injections for sale?

Hgh — it is a natural substance related to the vitamins of group B. The main source of human growth hormone in the daily diet of an ordinary person is primarily meat and milk. It is important to note that a healthy body is fully capable of independently synthesizing the amount of HGH required for metabolism.

The total growth hormone reserves in the human body are about 20-25 g, most of which are in skeletal muscle. The main function of growth hormone — participation in the energy metabolism inside the cells and the transfer of fatty acids to mitochondria, where ATP energy is formed from fats. In other words, HGH really helps the body burn fat.

Is Hgh effective injections for sale?


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Does Hgh burn injections fat?

In fact, human growth hormone is a mild stimulant of the central nervous system and metabolic mechanisms. Theoretically, its intake in the form of sports supplements can increase the overall level of human activity, indirectly affecting the smooth reduction of body weight. However, only in theory — in practical research this has not been proven.

Unfortunately, the effectiveness of the stimulating effect of HGH on the body is even less pronounced than the effect of ordinary caffeine. Among other things, none of the numerous studies have been able to prove that taking HGH in pills or in liquid form, even in large dosages, does affect fat burning.

Lack of Human growth hormone in the body

Despite the fact that science knows that a lack of growth hormone in the body can be the cause of weight gain and the development of obesity, this deficiency is extremely rare — medical statistics indicate only one case of such a shortage per 40-100 thousand people. Chance that you have a lack of growth hormone — hundredths of a percent.

The vast majority of people get enough growth hormone for normal metabolism along with normal food. — and its reception in the form of dietary supplements, in fact, will not give any additional effect. Only vegetarians and vegans can be at risk, since HGH injection plant products do not contain — However, there are no statistics on this topic.

Is Hgh effective injections for sale?


How to take HGH?

Since there is no scientific evidence of the effectiveness of growth hormone as a fat burner and a means to reduce weight, there are no optimal doses or regimens. However, manufacturers of this supplement usually recommend taking 200 to 3000 mg of growth hormone 30–40 minutes before exercise.

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In some materials, on the contrary, we are talking about taking HGH injection along with regular food to increase its absorption. This sounds more logical, since this substance does not act instantly, but rather accumulates in the tissues of the body and is involved in the metabolism of fats only when necessary.

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Harm and HGH side effects

According to currently available scientific information, taking growth hormone in the form of capsules, tablets, or in liquid form does not adversely affect healthy people. Specific contraindications to receiving HGH injection does not exist, but the drug is not recommended for women in case of pregnancy just in case.

Is Hgh effective injections for sale?

In extremely rare cases, when taking growth hormone, mild allergic reactions, abdominal and pelvic pain, indigestion and normal work of the stomach, as well as muscle weakness can occur. Among other things, the literature describes isolated cases of the development of convulsions and convulsive seizures at its regular use.

Do I need to take Hgh injections for sale?

Although in theory growth hormone should help increase performance during strength and cardio workouts (and, accordingly, increase their efficiency) by optimizing the mechanisms of energy synthesis from subcutaneous fatty tissue and simultaneously preserving glycogen stores, practical scientific studies do not confirm this.

In simple terms, advertising simply lies, selling a substance with a controversial evidence base. Despite the fact that HGH injection definitely affects the body’s metabolism and to some extent improves metabolism, the use of this substance as a fat burner definitely will not bring the desired result in the form of rapid weight loss.

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Hgh injections for sale is one of the most publicized additions to the category. «fat burners»However, numerous scientific studies deny its effectiveness as a means to reduce weight. Potentially, Hgh injections for sale in capsules or in liquid can only be useful for vegans, vegetarians or for the elderly.